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Nova Tutorial

In this tutorial, we are going to use pallet-nova functionality by coupling with your pallet. We use sum-storage pallet as example and call pallet-nova zero knowledge verify method before set storage value. If the verify is successful, the value can set as storage value. You can find full example here.

The steps are following.

  1. Define the pallet-nova in depencencies
  2. Couple the pallet-nova to your own pallet
  3. Use the pallet-nova methods in your pallet
  4. Define the function for IVC verification
  5. Import the coupling pallet to TestRuntime
  6. Test whether the function work correctly

1. Define the pallet-nova in depencencies

First of all, you need to define the pallet-nova when you start to implement your pallet. Please define as following.

pallet-nova = { git = "", branch = "master", default-features = false }
rand_core = {version="0.6", default-features = false }

The plonk-nova depends on rand_core so please import it.

2. Couple the pallet-nova to your own pallet

The next, the pallet-nova need to be coupled with your pallet. Please couple the pallet Config as following.

pub mod pallet {
    use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
    use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
    use pallet_nova::{PublicParams, RecursiveProof};

    /// Coupling configuration trait with pallet_nova.
    pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + pallet_nova::Config {
        /// The overarching event type.
        type Event: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::Event>;

With this step, you can use the pallet-nova in your pallet through Module.

3. Use the pallet-nova methods on your pallet

Next, let's use the pallet-nova method in your pallet. We are going to use the verify method which verifies the proof. We use sum-storage pallet as example and call the verify method before set Thing1 storage value on set_thing_1. If the verify is successful, the set_thing_1 can set Thing1 value.

    // The module's dispatchable functions.
    impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
        /// Sets the first simple storage value
        pub fn set_thing_1(
            origin: OriginFor<T>,
            val: u32,
            proof: RecursiveProof<T::E1, T::E2, T::FC1, T::FC2>,
            pp: PublicParams<T::E1, T::E2, T::FC1, T::FC2>,
        ) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
            // Define the proof verification
            pallet_nova::Pallet::<T>::verify(origin, proof, pp)?;


            Self::deposit_event(Event::ValueSet(1, val));

With this step, we can check whether the proof is valid before setting the Thing1 value and only if the proof is valid, the value is set.

4. Define the function for IVC verification

We define the function that we would like to prove the validity and extend the Nova pallet config with it. You can replace ExampleFunction with your own function. invoke method should be implemented for a native computation and invoke_cs method should be for r1cs constraints.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct ExampleFunction<Field: PrimeField> {
    mark: PhantomData<Field>,

impl<F: PrimeField> FunctionCircuit<F> for ExampleFunction<F> {
    fn invoke(z: &DenseVectors<F>) -> DenseVectors<F> {
        let next_z = z[0] * z[0] * z[0] + z[0] + F::from(5);

    fn invoke_cs<C: CircuitDriver<Scalar = F>>(
        cs: &mut R1cs<C>,
        z_i: Vec<FieldAssignment<F>>,
    ) -> Vec<FieldAssignment<F>> {
        let five = FieldAssignment::constant(&F::from(5));
        let z_i_square = FieldAssignment::mul(cs, &z_i[0], &z_i[0]);
        let z_i_cube = FieldAssignment::mul(cs, &z_i_square, &z_i[0]);

        vec![&(&z_i_cube + &z_i[0]) + &five]

With this step, we finish to setup the ivc prover and verifier.

5. Import the coupling pallet to TestRuntime

We already define customized IVC compatible function and can use the pallet-nova methods so we are going to import it to TestRumtime.

In order to use pallet-nova in TestRuntime, we need to import pallet-nova crate and define the pallet config to construct_runtime as following.

use crate::{self as sum_storage, client::ExampleFunction, Config};

use frame_support::{assert_ok, construct_runtime, parameter_types};

// Import `pallet_nova` and dependencies
pub use pallet_nova::*;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;

--- snip ---

    pub enum TestRuntime where
        Block = Block,
        NodeBlock = Block,
        UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic,
        System: frame_system::{Module, Call, Config, Storage, Event<T>},
        // Define the `pallet-nova` in `contruct_runtime`
        Nova: pallet_nova::{Module, Call, Storage},
        {YourPallet}: {your_pallet}::{Module, Call, Storage, Event<T>},

--- snip ---

impl pallet_nova::Config for TestRuntime {
    type E1 = Bn254Driver;
    type E2 = GrumpkinDriver;
    type FC1 = ExampleFunction<Fr>;
    type FC2 = ExampleFunction<Fq>;

6. Test whether the function work correctly

The pallet-nova methods is available on your pallet so we are going to test them as following tests.

/// The set `Thing1` storage with valid proof
fn sums_thing_one_with_valid_proof() {
    let mut rng = get_rng();

    let pp = PublicParams::<
        >::setup(&mut rng);

    let z0_primary = DenseVectors::new(vec![Fr::from(0)]);
    let z0_secondary = DenseVectors::new(vec![Fq::from(0)]);
    let mut ivc =
        Ivc::<Bn254Driver, GrumpkinDriver, ExampleFunction<Fr>, ExampleFunction<Fq>>::init(
    (0..2).for_each(|_| {
    let proof = ivc.prove_step(&pp);

    new_test_ext().execute_with(|| {
        assert_ok!(SumStorage::set_thing_1(Origin::signed(1), 42, proof, pp));

    assert_eq!(SumStorage::get_sum(), 42);

With above tests, we can confirm that your pallet is coupling with pallet-nova and these methods work correctly.

You can check how to import a pallet to runtime and the pallet-nova sample implementation. Happy hacking!